I was so pleased and excited today to be able to announce that an agreement has been signed by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC), Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) and the Argyle Consortium on the highly-anticipated Tolland Renewal Project.
The project will deliver a 16% increase in new social housing within the Tolland and Duke of Kent Park precincts. In total almost 500 new mix-tenure homes will be delivered, of which about 180 will be new social housing.
Argyle Housing, BlueCHP and Birribee Housing make up the Argyle Consortium, which will manage tenancies for Tolland’s existing and future social housing under a 20-year lease. The Consortium will also develop and deliver 70 new social homes in the Tolland Estate, assist with tenancy relocations and connect them with local wrap-around services.
This is the beginning of a journey towards the renewal of Tolland, both the physical environment and the community.
: Pictured with me at the announcement earlier today are Matthew Whiteley, BlueCHP chief financial officer, Paul Coe, Birribee Housing CEO, Peter Brackenreg, LAHC executive director, Aunty Mary Atkinson, Carolyn Doherty, Argyle CEO, Famey Williams, Aboriginal Housing Office chief executive officer and Wagga Wagga Mayor, Cr Dallas Tout.