Our Vision for Wagga Wagga
Responsible Regional Growth
Growth is important to the future prosperity of our electorate, but it needs to be sustainable and supported, with infrastructure and services that are right for us. We need modern hospitals and schools, the right jobs for our young people, safe roads and affordable transport to ensure our rural and regional communities continue to thrive.
Safe, Supported Communities
Alongside an anticipated population growth comes the need to ensure safety across our community. As the Member for Wagga Wagga, I am making sure your concerns are met with action. As a foundation, we need sufficient police numbers, drug treatment and rehabilitation facilities and a strong approach to crime prevention.
Your Independent Voice
Independent Members of Parliament have the ability to hold both major political parties to account. They’re not bound by party doctrine and they’re not bound to sell a position. I think people want listening, not lecturing, and outside of those constraints, an Independent MP is able to do that. As your Member for Wagga Wagga, I can listen to your concerns and take them directly to government, ensuring promises are delivered to our electorate.
“Let’s build our future together.”