Would you like to invite Dr Joe to attend an event you are organising? 

Dr Joe welcomes the opportunity to attend events within the electorate and to meet with constituents who would like to discuss state government issues or seek assistance with a state government department or agency concern. 

You are encouraged to send your invitation to Dr Joe as early as possible as his diary can be booked many weeks in advance. 

Please note that Dr Joe is required to attend parliament in Sydney and is unavailable during the parliamentary sitting weeks, see sitting calendar here.  

Put your invitation/request in writing and either: 

 Please include the following details: 

  • Name of event 

  • Date and time 

  • Location 

  • If you would like Dr Joe to be involved in the proceedings 

  • Your name and contact details including residential/organisational address, email address and mobile number 

Dr Joe’s Diary Manager will be in touch with you as soon as possible.