Recognising our women in local government
Nominations are now open for the Minister's Awards for Women in Local Government.
These commendations celebrate the contribution of women to local government in NSW.
Councillors can be awarded across five categories:
Elected Representative.
GM/Senior Staff Member – GM or senior staff positions as defined by councils in the Local Government Directory.
Non-Senior Staff Member - aimed at women who may not have worked in local government for long, or at a senior level, but who have demonstrated significant achievement and leadership.
Women in non-traditional roles – a role that is traditionally held by men where the nominee is the first to enter into that role at their Council or is breaking down gender stereotype barriers and conventions to perform the functions of any given role.
Women in traineeships or apprenticeships – this category will recognise the achievements of outstanding individuals who have undertaken traineeships in the local government sector.
Nominations close on Thursday, 28 February.