Commissioner to protect older residents and adults with disability welcomed

The promised Independent Ageing and Disability Commissioner clearly cannot come soon enough.

An NDIS watchdog report has this week revealed 184 incidents of abuse and neglect, including 29 cases of sexual assault, against NSW and SA NDIS participants across a period of three months.

These numbers are just scratching the surface of a widespread issue, according to various media sources.

We need to make sure the most vulnerable residents in our community are protected.

Family and Community Services NSW last year announced an Independent Ageing and Disability Commissioner would be enlisted in 2019 to investigate and eliminate the abuse of elderly and residents with a disability.

I applaud the Coalition’s move to address the abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults in NSW.

Ahead of the commissioner’s arrival in July, I encourage anyone requiring assistance to speak out and seek help.

For elder abuse call:
Elder Abuse Helpline & Resource Unit
1800 628 221 

For abuse of a person with disability call: 

National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline 
1800 880 052

For conduct of a disability service provider call: 
NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission 
1800 035 544

For conduct of an aged care service provider call: 
Aged Care Complaints Commissioner
1800 550 552

For a matter which requires urgent assistance call: 
NSW Police 

For more information please visit or call (02) 9377 6000

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