Nominations are open, and it’s time to increase the diversity on your local council this December 4 Local Government Election by representing your diversity and nominate today.


Minister for Local Government Shelley Hancock said that it was the perfect time to nominate and run for your council, to improve representation of women, indigenous, multicultural and youth.


““I’m calling on women, young people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents, and members of multicultural communities to just go for it,” Mrs Hancock said.


“It is paramount that our local council continues to be reflective of our local community and that’s why I’m encouraging people from all walks of life to run for election this December.


“Our local council plays a vital role in making our community a better place to live, work and play and our councillors make important decisions on behalf of our local residents.”


Mrs Hancock served for 17 years on Shoalhaven City Council and said that local council offers a rewarding career, working with local residents and businesses to improve the lifestyle and amenity of your community.


“If you have a strong sense of community and are keen to make a difference in your local neighbourhood, then you should nominate for the December 4 local government elections,” Mrs Hancock said.


Candidate nominations are open now until 12 noon on Wednesday, November 3.


For more information visit the Office of Local Government and NSW Electoral Commission websites.

Joe McGirr Office