19 DECEMBER 2023

 The Modern Slavery Committee has today released its report for its review of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (the Act). The joint committee was required to conduct a review of the Act within two years of its commencement and report on whether the Act's policy objectives remain valid, and whether its terms remain appropriate for the securing those objectives.

 Dr McGirr, Chair of the committee said: "The committee received evidence that there are a range of areas where the Act could be strengthened to increase the detection of modern slavery, enforcement powers of authorities such as the Commissioner, and support for victim-survivors. However, a central theme which emerged during the review was the importance of hearing from people with lived experience expertise of modern slavery when developing policy responses to modern slavery. While we received valuable evidence from government and non-government stakeholders, the committee considers it vital to receive input from people with lived experience expertise before making further recommendations on how to improve the Act."

 Dr McGirr further stated: "The committee was required by the Act to complete this report before the end of 2023, leaving it with limited time to consult people with lived experience expertise before tabling its report. The committee will therefore continue to review the Act in 2024 and seek evidence from people with lived experience expertise, in addition to considering the evidence it has already received."

 Dr McGirr concluded: "I thank government and non-government stakeholders who contributed to this review, who undertake important work to address and prevent modern slavery."

 The committee's report and other inquiry documents can be found on the committee's website.


Joe McGirr