The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) tells us that 10% of all electricity is lost in current grid infrastructure - that is high voltage overhead transmission lines. Why are we investing billions of dollars into long term energy infrastructure using inefficient technology? 

If HumeLink proceeds with the planned towers we would be trying to build the future with the past, it would be like designing a new bus fleet without the ability to take Opal cards! 

HumeLink should be built underground with superconductor cables to reduce energy inefficiencies and provide value to energy consumers. 

And with recent reports on Snowy 2.0 by new CEO Dennis Barnes saying that there are now delays to project completion in excess of 12 months, now is the time to pause and re-evaluate and plan the Snowy power connections for the future.

Our focus for this once in a generation infrastructure should be on safety, value for the taxpayer, energy output, clean energy and the preservation of prime farmland and the Kosciuszko National Park, this means undergrounding the Humelink rather than going overhead. 

We know that proceeding with giant overhead transmission towers dramatically increase fire risk, have higher ongoing maintenance costs, deliver less output for energy consumers and will fundamentally alter the Kosciuszko National Park and reduce the viability of prime farmland. 

Believe it not, the Sydney Harbour Bridge was hotly debated at the time of planning and was thought of as being too expensive and a waste of money, could you imagine Sydney without it? 

Media - Will Jennings - 0437 504 884

Joe McGirr Office