The NSW Government and Wagga Wagga City Council will together invest a further $94.4 million to fast-track infrastructure supporting the delivery of new homes for the Wagga Wagga community.

As regional NSW plans for and delivers more homes to its growing communities, the NSW Government and councils are supporting that growth by funding and upgrading critical local services and infrastructure.

The funds will accelerate key projects to unlock development and bring high-quality neighbourhoods to life faster.

Of the total investment made, $137.19 million has been allocated through the NSW Government’s Accelerated Infrastructure Fund, with co-contributions of $64.7 million from five regional councils.

In Wagga Wagga, $70.8 million has been allocated to the Northern Growth Area – Sewer Upgrades, Plumpton Road North and Plumpton Road South upgrades.

Successful projects across the State include new sports fields or road upgrades to support thousands of new residents.

Unless we support the delivery of more homes, we will continue to lock young people out of housing or lose them to other states.

For more information visit here.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Paul Scully:

“These areas are growing fast and this funding will mean people will have functioning and well-serviced new homes to live in.

“A new home is no good if you cannot flush the toilet or drive down the road to the park.

“Accelerated delivery of infrastructure like sewage treatment plants and adequate roads will allow more new homes to be approved sooner in these growing regional areas.

“Housing affordability and availability is the biggest single pressure facing the people of NSW, and that’s why we are focusing investment in these key infrastructure projects to clear the way for new and thriving communities to take shape.”

Independent Member for Wagga Wagga, Dr Joe McGirr, said:

“This funding will drive growth to Wagga Wagga’s north and south, expanding the industrial and housing base in the north and opening the way for thousands of people to build new homes in the south.

“The provision of sewer capacity in the north will cater for housing growth in the Northern Growth Centre while supporting industrial growth in the Bomen Special Activation Precinct.


“The duplication of the Plumpton Road corridor, north and south, will create the infrastructure needed to develop 2,900 new homes in the Southern Growth area in the short term and a total of 5,500 homes over the long term– a fantastic kickstart to the city’s growth and an essential foundation to support Wagga’s projected population growth.

“In the longer term, the works will provide the infrastructure to develop 14,500 homes in the combined northern and southern areas.

“The next challenges will involve ongoing improvements to road, rail and bridge infrastructure to underpin that growth, but today’s announcement is a very welcome development that opens the way to an exciting future for Wagga.

“I applaud the government and council for their investment in the future and look forward to working with both to make the most of this remarkable opportunity.”


Further details of the works are:

Wagga Wagga City Council – Plumpton Road North $24.9 million

1.       Duplication of the Plumpton Road corridor between Lake Albert Road and Gregadoo Road, six intersection upgrades and associated storm water infrastructure. The infrastructure will support the release of residential land within the Southern Growth Area for 5,500 homes which will provide residential accommodation to meet the projected population growth.

Wagga Wagga City Council – Plumpton Road South $24.67 million

2.       Duplication of the Plumpton Road corridor between Gregadoo Road and Rowan Road, two intersection upgrades and associated storm water infrastructure. The infrastructure will support the release of residential land within the Southern Growth Area for 5,500 homes which will provide residential accommodation to meet the projected population growth. Note the dwellings supported are the same as the Plumpton Road North project.


Joe McGirr