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It was fantastic to be at the launch of the Snowy Hydro sponsorship of the Snowy Valleys Sculpture trial program.

Part of the program is to have internationally renowned sculptors running workshops for schools across the Snowy Valleys, including here at Adelong Public School.

On hand for the launch were staff from Snowy Hydro, Conrad, Liam and Lachlan, as well as Gabrielle Curtin, Dean Lynch and Sarah Norris on behalf of Snowy Hydro.

David Handley, CEO of Sculpture by the Sea, was MC for the day, and also in attendance were Mayor, Councillor Ian Chaffey, and SVC Councillors Julia Ham and James Hayes.

We also welcomed Kiandra Ward, captain, and Lily Rosetter, leader, from Tumut High School, Angela Pearce from the Community Advisory Board, and Angelo Lyons, Sculpture Trail representative in the Snowy Valleys. Thanks to students from the Clontarf and Stars Academies from Tumut High, who also joined us.

The Snowy Hydro sponsorship runs for three years, and will bring seven additional sculptures to the region for the community and visitors to enjoy.