The following COVID-19 restrictions have been eased from today:

  • The number of people allowed inside indoor venues will be determined by the ‘one person per 4 square metre’ rule, with no upper limit. This includes function centres.

  • Kids’ and adult community sport can recommence.

  • Cultural and sporting events at large stadiums, racecourses and motor racing tracks will be allowed up to 25 per cent of their normal seated capacity to a maximum of 10,000. These events must be ticketed and seated and follow strict guidelines.

  • Alcohol can still be served to seated patrons only, including at conference and function venues.

  • Cinemas, theatres and concert halls can reopen subject to the one person per 4 square metre rule.

The rules on gathering remain the same: 20 guests inside the home and 20 for gatherings in a public place.

NSW Health has finalised checklists to allow businesses affected by the easing of restrictions to be prepared for operation. These checklists provide guidance for businesses to develop a COVID safety plan. You can find the checklist here. All venues must adhere to their business specific COVID Safety Plan consistent with NSW Health guidelines.

Joe McGirr Office