Nominations are now open for the 2020 SafeWork NSW Awards, acknowledging NSW businesses that demonstrate an outstanding approach to work health and safety.

Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation, Kevin Anderson said this year’s awards will recognise businesses who’ve implemented innovative and effective measures to protect their employees throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.  

“Nominations are now open and, given this year’s unique circumstances, we will focus on businesses who have best responded to the significant challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic in the workplace,” Mr Anderson said.

“It’s not been an easy year for our businesses, and this year’s awards are a great opportunity to say thank you to the employers who have gone above and beyond to adapt their working methods to make sure their workers are safe.”

2020 marks the 17th anniversary of the SafeWork NSW Awards, which will be broken down into three sub-categories:

  • Small business – non-government (two regional and two metropolitan)

  • Large business – non-government (two regional and two metropolitan)

  • Government

“Non-government businesses across NSW that are selected for recognition are eligible for a $3,000 safety rebate for their business.” Mr Anderson said. 

Nominations for the 2020 SafeWork Awards are open until 9 August, with winners announced in October. To nominate, click here.

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