The NSW Government is calling for applications from individual artists, arts and cultural workers, practitioners and organisations across NSW for Round 2 of Create NSW’s 2020/2021 Arts and Cultural Funding Program.

Minister for the Arts Don Harwin said the NSW Government is proud to continue its support for NSW’s arts and culture sector and is strongly encouraging applications across a wide range of artforms and disciplines, from Museums and History to Contemporary Music, to Aboriginal Arts and Culture and Classical Music.

“The NSW Government is committed to funding artistic development across the State, to supporting our First Nations culture, and nurturing all our talented artists. We’ve hit the ground running in 2021 with funding to support the diversity of talent across NSW, which will also deliver great outcomes for our arts and culture economy and for the people of NSW.

“This investment will encourage individual artists, arts and cultural workers and organisations to explore, develop and deliver many important works,” said Mr Harwin.


Round 2 of Create NSW’s 2020/2021 Arts and Cultural Funding Program is now

open for Annual Organisation, Project and Creative Koori Project categories.

Applications close Monday, 1 March 2021.


Create NSW will deliver webinars and opportunities to have one-on-one sessions with Create NSW staff in February on how to apply for interested individuals and organisations. Visit the Create NSW website for more information, guidelines and to apply at


Joe McGirr Office